A Day in the Life of a Homeschooler (Day 2)

Day 2 of Mindy’s invitation:

6:00 – Rise and shine! Worked on memory verse (Joshua 1:8), prayed, and enjoyed coffee with God.

6:30 – Put on workout clothes and went outside for DAY 2 of walking. Raining. Tried it for 5 minutes, but could not bear to be cold AND wet. Oh well. Hung out with Phil and drank coffee. Get dressed and ready for the day!

7:15 – Phil and I made our daily trek to wake up our girl. YEA…she snuggled and played with us for too short a time…15 minutes or so. She immediately asks for Baby Signing Time. We sign “wait” and explain it’s not time.

7:30 – Phil makes breakfast. Eden and I play on the livingroom floor…books (Polar Bear, Polar Bear” and “Blue Hat, Green Hat”) and dog-petting ensue. Eden asks for Baby Signing Time.

7:50 – Breakfast at the table. We work on praying and signing “finished.” Eden recently changed up this sign. It used to be down at her chest. Now, she raised her hands over her head, twists her left hand and makes the milk sign with her right hand. We’ve interpreted this new creation as “finished.”

8:10 – Milk on the couch and snuggle. Yippee.

8:20 – We all brush our teeth. I don’t know why I don’t just brush her teeth. I’m nervous about it…so we still just keep it a game = she watches me and Phil brush while she chews on her toothbrush.

8:30 – We walk, walk, walk around the living room, kitchen, bedroom. My back already aches a bit from hunching over to hold Eden’s hands.

8:45 – We wave goodbye to Phil and send him out with a blessing.

8:47 – Quiet play time in the pack and play. I make sure Eden has some of her favorite toys and books, then leave her in the living room and go to my bedroom. I check email and put in a load of laundry. I check Face Book and leave a post about Eden’s cute smile. The girl kills me with her grin…truly, she smiles with her whole face. Sigh. She is adorable. I blog about Eden being 13 months AND read Mindy’s blog. I decide to participate and recount my previous day with Eden. Whew.

9:20 – Go out to play with Eden. IT’S BABY SIGNING TIME, and Eden rejoices. I put in the original, vol. 1, so it’s old hat for her. She can do almost all the signs on volume 1 = eat, drink, milk, dog, cat, mom, dad, hurt, where.

9:32 – Call Shea for daily prayer time. No answer. I rejoin Eden for Baby Signing Time! She’s sleepy and puts her head in my lap. My heart sings! I love how touchy-feely she is!

9:42 – I put Eden down for a nap. I grab the dirty diapers in her room for a load of laundry. I continue to work on the homeschool day 1 recount.

11:30 – My stomach grumbles…so off to find some leftovers for lunch. While heating my lunch, I steam some veggies for Eden’s lunch.

11:57 – Eden wakes up. Time for snuggling then lunch. Today I have made finger food – I steamed some carrots and greenbeans. Everything is chopped into tiny pieces. Eden tries to put as much in her mouth as possible, then chokes. She tried some fruit yogurt – peach. She’s not too keen on it, but doesn’t refuse it. Lunch seems pretty light for her.

12:10 – Milk on the couch time!!! Snuggle, snuggle, snuggle. After she downs the milk, I refill her sippy cup with almond milk.

12:25 – Change diaper and clothes. Grab “Brown Bear” book to take to the Dorman’s.  We load up and text Brooke that we’re on our way. It’s rainy, so I consider whether or not to go…but I need out of the house…so we’re off.

12:31- Eden and I take a field trip to the Dorman Homeschool. Yippee! The Dormans have four kids and lots of baby-friendly toys. Her favorite thing to do there is move toys from one box to the other.

2:45 – Eden is weary. We load up in the van for the trip home. I’m hoping she will fall asleep and I can simply transfer her from the car seat to her crib.

3:00 – We pull into the driveway. Eden has been quiet, so I’m hopeful she is snoozing. But, when I look back, there are two bright blue eyes looking at me…smiling. My heart melts a bit. I take her to her crib with hopes of an afternoon nap. Eden fusses a bit, but I hope she’ll drop off to sleep. I realize I’m starving, so I make a snack. Eden continues to cry.

3:30 – I wonder if Eden might be hungry. She has not eaten much for the day, and I was sooo hungry upon returning home. She’s still crying, so I put in some toast and go get her up for a snack. Figured she could eat and try to sleep again. Make hummus toast (one of Eden’s favorites) and pour some almond milk. Eden devours the toast (aha! She WAS hungry) and we snuggle on the couch with some milk.

3:52 – We try for another nap. Eden immediately goes to sleep. Ahhh, well fed and well rested. That makes me soooo happy.

4:00 – I have two loads of dry clothes on the bed…well, clothes and diapers. I put on Parent Hood (almost done with season 3) and start to fold. I’m standing while folding and my back is killing me! Figure I should sit on the bed and fold. Once all is folded, figure I should lay on the bed (for my back, of course) and finish Parent Hood. Parent Hood ends and I rest my eyes…and my back.

5:10 – Eden’s still sleeping, so I cut up the veggies for dinner. It’s much easier to cut veggies without Eden’s sweet presense. I get out everything we’ll need for dinner while Eden is still sleeping. I start dinner then go get my girl.

5:25 – I go to Eden’s door and hear that she is stirring. Mmmm. I love that girl! Get her out of the crib. She is super cuddly upon first waking.

5:30 – Baby Signing Time!!!!!!! while I continue to prep dinner. Eden wants me to sit with her, so I go back and forth, checking on dinner and sitting with Eden for “A New Day” signing time.

5:50 – Phil calls, he is stuck in traffic and will be late. I get dinner on the table and read “Barnyard Dance” to Eden. She bounces to the rhythm of the rhymes…so cute. I read it through three times. We work on walking, walking, walking.

6:20 – Daddy’s home! Eden hugs and hugs her dad. I take Eden’s top off because we’re having spaghetti tonight! Eden loves spaghetti and we love to watch her eat spaghetti. Upon finishing, Eden signs “wash hands”. I’ll say!

6:45 – Bath time with Daddy = get clean and get a swim lesson. Phil fills the tub to the top so that Eden can work on floating and submerging. (I breathe deeply, and leave them, as my heart beats out of my chest watching Eden in so much water!!! But she’s in good hands…so I trust and leave.)

7:00 – Towel monster takes Eden out of the tub. This is another favorite of ours. I lay on the bed and wait. Phil throws the girl, giggling, onto the bed. He attacks her with the towel as she squeals. Then Eden climbs all over me, giggling. She’s so cute and so naked!!! Phil dresses Eden for bed. I realize she did not have any formula – score = another milk time on the couch for US.

7:15 – Phil put Eden down for the night. Sniff, sniff.

7:20-9:00 – Hang out with Phil!

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